Friday, September 3, 2010



I am addicted to rootbeer, maybe i should go seek out therapy, because its the only kind of soda i'll drink. There just something about it that makes me love it. Maybe its the way the carbination bubbles tickle my mouth as i take a sip out of the bottle, or maybe its the sweet taste. Or just that there are sooooo many different Varieties to choose from. Theres A&W with that sweet vanilla taste, Barqs not so vanillia tasting, Homemade Rootbeer that is really really really really sweet to the taste, Or IBC in those amazing glass bottles that look like you're actually drinking beer. I love it, i would even write an ode to it. Just how much i love it.

CAN SAFE ROOT BEER Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, August 23, 2010

My life right now

So this is the hoedown for my life right now.....

Still working at Stripes (a gas station) manager sucks only giving me roughly 9-13 hours a week. Though she says that she is trying to give people a chance to work more hours a week. PFF what ever. I've have been working the least hours at my own store, then having to go to other stores to get more hours, how messed up is that?? And get this, my co-workers who have started working like almost a year after i started working are making more than me an hour. I'm currently at $7.65 and the others are like $8+ Ugh i need a new job, but there's no point really in getting a new job if i'm going to be moving back to Crystal River in January. Yup.

Still going to school for a music degree, though i really need to start wokring on my core classes such as English and history and Math. (For some reason this feelis like De ja vu) lol. I was goingt to work on them this semester, but didn't have enough money to cover the classes. So i'm only taking Band and Clarinet lessons, not going anywhere right now with my degree. Maybe when i move to Florida i'll take english History and Math on line. I don't know.

I'm currently volunteering at a hospice called Nurses On Wheels, my friend Micah is the volunteer coordinator there, i think he still is anyway i haven't talked to him about work lately. I enjoy volunteering because i get to help people who are in need, and it makes me feel great that i put a smile on their face. I also do it to take up time of my day since usually on my days off i have nothing to do so to waste time i go and volunteer.

Currently working on Four movies, two feature lengths and two short films. Its something that i just alll of a sudden got into thanks to my friend. But you know its fun, it expands my types of writing and what not. Still working on Reve Mer, it just needs to be typed up and edited, but i think what i'm going to do is write an outline and rewrite the entire thing, maybe what i have already written can be just a rough draft and an outline o.O i don't know i'll figure something out. Me and my friend Laura still working on our novels Tavian. Its a series, mine is the first book, hers is the second book, our friend Andi's is the third book and we're going to make a prequel and an epilogue (which i don't know if you can make it an entire book out of an epilogue)

I guess tahts all i have here to say...

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well welcome to my blog! Yes i finally got one! Uhm. I am Whitney McFarlane! Currently attending college to be a Music Teacher. Oh what fun. I play Clarinet and have been doing so for nearly ten years, long ways to go from being professional. I also play Tenor Saxophone in the college Jazz band, and i can some what play the piano. I'm good at Playing "Davy Jones" from Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest, and am currently learning more music from Pirates of the Caribbean.
This is my second semester in the College music Department. My very first semester in the program (this would be my second semester of college) i did not know anybody. NO ONE! Friendless, sad to say. But When i joined the Jazz Band, and becoming part of the Saxophone family... Yes the Five of us sax players are good friends and we're a family. I'm the only Girl in the sections so all the others are my brothers, and i'm the third oldest. My friend Micah DeBenedetto, is the oldest at 27 yrs old, then Adam Logan at 21, me at 20, Corey Harper at 19 and Aaron Singleterry at 19 (but birthday falls after Corey's) So they were pretty much my first friends. As the semester continues, and in the concert band, i meet Lisa she too is a Clarinet player, and i make her laugh all the tiem! even to this very day... So now i'm in my second semester the Saxophone Family is back, even the prodigal brother returned, yes that is Micah, because we did not know if he was returning or not.. glad he did!
Now I'm the oldest in my family of five children. I have two sisters and two brothers, in birth order and age. Kristin (19), Rickey (15) Melissa (8) and Jason (6) then me (20) lol. I was the first to graduate High School in my family including cousins... My family is really weird, but i love them to death, sometimes. But i will not let my friends meet them. He he.
I am currently writing a story called Reve Mer: La Sirene Histoire. Is still under construction, been too busy with school and work to actually sit down at teh computer and read what i hand wrote and type it, then trying to edit it at the same time. (My spelling is getting a littl bad, espcially at 11:30 pm and half asleep!) Uhm... then there is another novel that me and a couple of friends are working on called Tavian. its an interesting story. but yeah my brains gone dead at this point, i guess that has to do with the sleepies eh?